Member of the DGAO
In the current issue of the journal Dentista, Dr. von Dörnberg goes into detail about the use and application of DVT in orthodontics.
In our news center you will find the latest news and interesting reports about our practice and about orthodontics and dentistry.
In the current issue of the journal Dentista, Dr. von Dörnberg goes into detail about the use and application of DVT in orthodontics.
In the current issue of the journal Dentista, Dr. von Dörnberg goes into detail about the use and application of DVT in orthodontics.
Recently, the 29th Annual Congress of the German Board of Orthodontics took place, where Dr. Franca von Dörnberg has been a member for several years.
Dr. Franca von Dörnberg truly deserves this certificate for recommended doctors in the region!
BDK members’ magazine: jaw surgery and orthodontics in a class of its own Dr. med. dent. Franca von Dörnberg and Dr. med. dent. B. Hohlweg-Majert
Article about the presentation at the “Young Orthodontists” Congress – Professional Association of German Orthodontists Throw back to the last presentation of Dr. von Dörnberg
Then don’t hesitate and call us or make an appointment online.
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