Because skeletal (bone-related) and dental (teeth-related) malocclusions can manifest themselves negatively and permanently during the child’s growth.
The earlier these can be detected and eliminated, the higher the probability that the child’s growth will not be adversely affected and comprehensive orthodontic measures will be necessary in adolescence.
According to the credo: “As much as necessary, as little as possible!” we try to achieve the best realisable outcome with the appliance that is most comfortable and easiest for the child to wear.
Since every child develops differently, we take special consideration of individual maturity and try to use the right (growth-) impulse to positively influence the growth of the jaw or the change of teeth in order to make the treatment as short as possible.
Our goal is that the orthodontic treatment is fun for the children and everyone involved and that the little ones look forward to their next appointment with us!
Then don’t hesitate and call us or make an appointment online.
Dear patients!
We are pleased that you have decided to undergo orthodontic treatment in our specialist practice in Munich. Are you satisfied with the treatment result? Then we would be pleased to receive your online evaluation. Thank you very much!
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