In most cases orthodontic tooth corrections are possible until old age. Straight teeth can prevent temporomandibular joint problems, muscular tension and dental dysfunctions and significantly improve facial aesthetics.
Tooth movement is carried out with low forces over a longer period of time, taking into account the periodontological status (health of the hard and soft tissue), as well as prosthetic and conservative therapy plans of your general dentist.
Close cooperation with our referrers is obligatory, as this is the only way to achieve an optimal therapy result for you.
Combined orthodontic and maxillofacial surgical therapy repositioning osteotomy: A technical term used to describe the surgical repositioning of the maxilla (upper jaw) and/or the mandible (lower jaw). This intervention may become necessary after the body has finished growing, i.e. in adulthood, if there is a strong discrepancy between the upper and lower jaws (e.g. a large anterior step or a so-called skeletal open bite).
A combined orthodontic and maxillofacial surgical therapy is – as the name suggests – only possible in cooperation with a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery. This colleague will inform you explain the procedure comprehensively before a possible surgical intervention.
Then don’t hesitate and call us or make an appointment online.
Dear patients!
We are pleased that you have decided to undergo orthodontic treatment in our specialist practice in Munich. Are you satisfied with the treatment result? Then we would be pleased to receive your online evaluation. Thank you very much!
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